
Perfect Probiotics Food Topper – 90 Day Supply



Receive Your Dog’s Probiotics

We’ll ship your dog’s probiotics straight to your door. Subscribe and save even more. Each shipment will come with 90 servings, which last 1-3 months depending on the size of your dog.


Feed to Your Dog Daily

Mix into your dog’s food right before one meal each day. The live probiotics arrive dehydrated and will re-activate once they’re mixed into your dog’s food.


See the Benefits

You should see improvements in your dog’s allergies, skin, digestion and signs of longevity within 30 days.


Supported by the latest science · 90 servings · Elevate your dog’s health with a human grade probiotics blend that’s uniquely crafted to fit Yumwoof food. Just mix it in! Whether you seek a flavor enhancer or simply want to maximize your dog’s health—the probiotics in this blend have been proven to help with allergies, skin, digestion and longevity.


Immunity from bacterial infections

A 2009 study showed that the Bifidobacterium animalis AHC7 probiotic adhered to epithelial cells and significantly reduced the carriage of Clostridium difficile in dogs.


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