Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Clumping Cat Litter is a unique formulation that combines the heavy non-tracking granules of classic with a medium-grain clay.
The result is an excellent clumping litter that prevents moisture from reaching the bottom of the tray while providing a clump that will not break down.
About the Product –
- The product is made of high quality with 100% bentonite clay and it is a combination of top class texture and granule size
- A unique formulation of medium grain clay helps keep litter in the box where it belongs.
- Formulated for single or multi-cat households with natural ingredients to keep your home smelling clean and fresh between litter box cleanings.
- Hard clumping medium grain clay helps prevent moisture from reaching the bottom of the tray and forms hard clumps that won’t break down, making it easier to scoop.
- Ideal for cats and owners who suffer from allergies with a 99.9% dust-free and hypoallergenic litter formulation.
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WORLD’S BEST CAT LITTER Low Tracking & Dust Control Multiple Cat Unscented
Mike W –
I tested the Dr. Elsey’s Premium alongside Purina Tidy Cat Natural unscented litter over the course of 3-4 weeks with my three cats. All boxes were used equally, so the cats didn’t seem to mind. I cleaned the boxes 2x per week, and only added fresh litter to each once to top them off. Both litters performed way better than the cheap stuff I had been buying and were very close in quality, but I still determined a winner across various categories:
– Packaging: Purina. The smaller individual paper bags were easy to handle and store.
– Dust: Purina. Both litters had virtually no dust, but the Purina was marginally better.
– Clumping: Dr. Elsey. The Purina litter clumped well, but small bits were often left over in the box after cleaning. Dr. Elsey clumps extremely hard for easier cleanup.
– Odor control: Purina. Both worked well, but Purina had the edge here with the charcoal bits.
– Cost: Dr. Elsey
Overall, these are both really good litters, and you could pick one or the other depending on what you want most. For me, I plan to continue with the Dr. Elsey due to cost and clumping ability.
Poppies Eleven –
My cat has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and has been going through litter like crazy. Hand on heart, I’ve tried them all. Arm and Hammer, Costco, Boxie, Silica and different kinds like corn and newspaper. For me, this is the One. Low to no tracking, no smell, yes 40lbs and even though the cost is slightly higher than some brands, it’s worth it because it lasts longer. Clumps great! No sticky, used, dirty litter in cats paws. Much easier to sift through when cleaning. How can I be so happy about cat litter?? Crazy but true…